On the Importance of Easy to Use Cryptography APIs
I recently came across some code very similar to the below, a Lambda event handler implementing an encryption service:
export const handler = async (event: any) => {
const keyHexString = getRequiredEnvVariable('KEY_HEX_STRING');
const ivHexString = getRequiredEnvVariable('IV_HEX_STRING');
const key = Buffer.from(keyHexString, 'hex');
const iv = Buffer.from(ivHexString, 'hex');
const inputData = event.queryStringParameters.data;
// Encryption
const cipher = crypto.createCipheriv('aes-256-gcm', key, iv);
let aesEncryptedData = cipher.update(inputData, 'utf8', 'base64');
aesEncryptedData += cipher.final('base64');
const authTag = cipher.getAuthTag();
const response = {
statusCode: 200,
body: {
return response;
Spot the problem here?
Well for a start, that encryption key probably shouldn’t be stored in an environment variable. But there’s a much more serious issue here. That API is being misused, leading to a very exploitable vulnerability.
The Importance of the Initialization Vector
The initialization vector (IV) is critical to the security and integrity of the encryption scheme. It should be random and unique for each encryption operation. For the GCM mode of operation used here, a 12-byte IV is recommended for efficiency and security.
The problem is, none of these requirements are clear from the API. And this is
this is the issue with APIs like Node’s crypto
API, where details like the
initialization vector are exposed to developers. Using these APIs can feel like
“juggling chainsaws in the dark”, where mistakes can easily be made that
subvert the security of the system.
This is why I often recommend Tink for situations like this. Tink provides APIs that are “easy to use correctly and hard(er) to misuse”. For example, the API for AES-GCM encryption in Tink does not require the developer to provide an IV. Tink also has an excellent utility tool for managing encryption keys in a keyset, including support for using Key Management Systems such as AWS KMS to envelope encrypt data encryption keys. Unfortunately Tink does not have a production-grade JavaScript version, which is why I wrote a Tink compatible library for JavaScript for this basic Authenticated Encryption with Associated Data (AEAD) use case.
The Known-Plaintext Attack
Back to our example, you might be wondering how serious an issue reusing the IV really is. Well, it can lead to a number of exploitable vulnerabilities but perhaps the most damaging is one where the attacker has access to the encrypted version of some known plaintext - often called a known-plaintext attack. Recovering the plaintext for any ciphertext encrypted with the same IV is as simple as performing an exclusive-or (XOR) operation on the ciphertext, the known ciphertext, and the known plaintext. In other words, an attacker can decipher your data without access to the encryption key - all they need is a plaintext and the corresponding ciphertext.
Let’s go through an example. Imagine the encryption handler above is responsible for encrypting credit card numbers for an e-commerce website. An attacker has managed to access the database and is confronted with some user IDs and some encrypted data:
| user_id | encrypted_cc |
| 1 | 10e2fae3ea522c74a1b2e4841fea57d1752cbf |
| 2 | 13e0f9e1ea532d71a3b2e5831eed57d4742bb8 |
| 3 | 15e4fee4ea532c70a5b2e3811cee57d3702cbf |
| 4 | 16e6fee5ea552a76a3b2e3821def57d57626b4 |
Now suppose that the attacker has been using this system, and that he has
identified from inspecting URLs in the app that their user ID is 4
Just before exfiltrating this data, the attacker updated their credit card
number to be 1122-3344-5566-7788
. This means that the attacker now knows the
ciphertext for that plaintext. They can execute a known-plaintext attack and
discover the plaintexts for all of the encrypted data:
function xor(buf1, buf2) {
const result = Buffer.alloc(buf1.length);
for (let i = 0; i < buf1.length; i++) {
result[i] = buf1[i] ^ buf2[i]; // Apply XOR on each byte
return result;
function decrypt(ciphertext) {
return xor(xor(ciphertext, knownCiphertext), knownPlaintext);
const knownCiphertext = Buffer.from(
'16e6fee5ea552a76a3b2e3821def57d57626b4', 'hex'
const knownPlaintext = Buffer.from(
'1122-3344-5566-7788', 'utf-8'
ciphertexts.forEach(ciphertext => {
const plaintext = decrypt(Buffer.from(ciphertext, 'hex'));
Running this prints out the decrypted credit card numbers:
Some basic cryptography knowledge is crucial for developers to write secure code. Developers should have a broad understanding of how to apply cryptography, which algorithms to use and which to avoid in a given scenario, and how to use them securely.
However, most developers will not be cryptography experts. Using simple cryptography APIs that are easier to use securely will improve your chances of implementing secure systems.